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The One Aldwich Hotel Lobby

gorgeous flower sculpture

London Bridge - still iconic

Typical thatched roof house in Cotswold

Kings College Chapel

I passed the college and noticed there was an Art & Culture event that evening starting in an hour. We ran upstairs and sat in the chapel ready for the choral presentation - the acoustics were incredible.

Westminster Abbey chapel

Steeped in medieval history.

Tower of London Prison Gate

Always a bad sign when you enter prison from the river.

 Phone: 516-660-9374 I Email: joyce@globaljourneystravel.comFacebook

© 2021 by Global Journeys Travel

Joyce I want to thank you for putting in the extra miles for my booking on the Sirena cruise. You have gone out of your way to research and find the best itinerary to suit my needs and ensure that I shall have a great trip. Thank you for spending so much time on finding me the right air flights so that I would not have to travel halfway around the world to reach my destination.

I look forward to traveling to many more exciting places with you at the helm.

- Gillian C. -

With Joyce Novick's skillful planing we: rode a helicopter to a glacier and dog sledded in Alaska, toured palaces in Europe, rode a mule in Santorini, played golf in Ireland,visited Red Square, navigated the canals of Venice, stayed in a castle called Balyfin, biked in Berlin and Barcelona, visited Synagogues in Budapest and Toledo, explored Ephesus, sailed the Greek isles and sunbathed on the Almafi Coast! Joyce Novick is our "Go To Travel Agent". Hopefully many more Global Journeys to come.

- Cindy & Ronnie K. -

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