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4,000 passenger ship


On Saturday Feb 6th 2016 I was a travel agent guest onboard the Anthem. It is a beautiful and newly built ship. The rooms have modern furnishings and it is in pristine condition. Agents have the chance to tour all types of cabins and public spaces as well as have lunch in a specialty restaurant: Jamie Oliver's Kitchen.

~Top left a view of the ship that holds 4,000 passsengers

~Top right is a view of the "soft furnishings" meaning bedding, furniture and carpeting.

~The bottom left is the best invention to inside cabins that have no window. Sure looks like it does! It is a virtual TV screen that show current outdoor conditions. It feels like you have a balcony and not at all claustrophobic.

~The bottom right is the screen found at every elevator bank. It is a GPS! It knows your current location. Then put in the pool or restaurant etc. and it shows you a dotted line of directions. Fantastic technology.

By the way - there is a 3 night sailing coming up March 4 - 7 if you want to try cruising or if you just want to get out of town a few days to relax.

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